Meet the Veterinarians & Team of Just Cats Veterinary Services in The Woodlands, TX! We’re pleased to provide exceptional vet care for your pets!
Please call us at (281) 367-2287 to speak to one of our caring veterinary staff members!

Dr. McManis is a feline internal medicine consultant for Veterinary Information Network, a web-based resource for veterinarians all over the world. She established an ABVP residency site at Just Cats in 2008 and mentors new graduates as well as seasoned practitioners who are interested in achieving ABVP certification. Just Cats VS also hosts
externs from veterinary schools all over the U.S.
Dr. McManis has lived in The Woodlands since 1988. She credits her professional as well as personal achievements to her husband, Scott, for his unwavering support and patience throughout the years.
Dr. McManis loves staying fit, reading medical mystery novels, watching action films, cooking with family, and studying challenging internal medicine cases. She is often involved in snuggles, sometimes non-consensual, of her cats Kilian and Aiden and posts way too many cat photos!

Both originally from Florida, Dr. Bondurant and her husband, Robby, met during their undergraduate years at the University of Florida. They come to us from Bonaire, GA along with their two daughters, Noah Jane and Rory, three dogs, Hoss, JJ and Sage and three-legged cat, lovingly named Cat.

Our Staff
Just Cats Veterinary Services has 13 staff members that each play a vital role in the care and love for all of our patients and to ensure the success of our hospital!

What do people think is weird about you? People often think that it is weird that I use to shovel snow in a t-shirt, I drink hot chocolate in the summer, I have obsessive cleaning tendencies, and I really haven't listened to new music since 2004.
What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shrek!
How old were you when you got your first cat? I was born into cat ownership. My Mom's cat K.J. adopted me as soon as I came home from the hospital, and we were pretty inseparable ever since. K.J. and Baby B., her litter mate, were my first cats and the reason I pursued a career in the veterinary field.

What could you give a 40 minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation? Customer Service—I have given many talks through the years at various conferences on Customer Service in human medicine which is also known as “The Patient Experience”. My favorite quote about customer service is “The Customer is not always right, but they are always our Customer!”
What bends your mind every time you think about it? Early on at Just Cats I learned a fascinating fact—animals who undergo treatment cannot encounter the “Placebo Effect”. Unlike humans, they place no value, good or bad, on the treatment, so when a treatment works, it is because it really works.
What is the most heartwarming thing you've ever seen? When I worked in brain injury rehab, I was introducing our new facility dog, Lucky, to one of our patients. He was a young man who was in a car accident and had to have one of his legs amputated and had not been able to speak since the accident because of his brain injury. Lucky had to have a leg amputated after being hit by a car. Upon meeting Lucky, our patient exclaimed, “He…I…leg!!” with a big smile on his face. It was obvious to us all that he was thrilled to see that Lucky didn’t let his injury get him down. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place!

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? I would say I would travel abroad, and see the world. It can be by plane, train, automobile, or boat. My goal is to eventually retire on a cruise ship.
What skill would you like to master? I would have to say my buoyancy when diving. Goal is to become advanced, and nitrox certified for deeper dives.
What is something that my friends consider “so you”? Any department store sale!! I can’t resist getting something for 75% or more off. My Record purchase – bought a $1500 wedding dress for 99% off in a Hudson’s store in MS due to being smoke damaged on the bottom of the dress. I turned around and sold it for $250 for the beads on the dress

Who inspires you to be better? My family and closest friends inspire me to be better. I see how people go through life and deal with everyday struggles and they still overcome animosity. It amazes me that some of my nearest and dearest are still standing strong after everything they’ve been through. Makes me so proud!
If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make? Everyone should adopt a cat! Or dog! Adopting an animal would help ease the animal shelters but also improve your overall health. It can get lonely sometimes but having your best friend by your side makes every bit of difference to our lives.
If you had a clock that would countdown to any one event of your choosing, what event would you want it to countdown to? Every time it’s time to go home to the UK. It’s always very exciting when it’s time to see loved ones, but more importantly to eat all my favorite foods!

Which is better - Marvel or DC? Marvel all the way! (Okay DC a little bit - like 10%)
What is your favorite season? Fall! I love the gradual change from the hot summer months. It means more outdoor activities with the kids and Bonnie. We love to do things like camping, fishing, and our favorite - geocaching!
What would you do to entertain yourself if you were stuck in solitary confinement for 6 months? Read, read, and read some more. I would probably end up talking to myself and acting out plays based on what I was reading. Shh! Don't tell anyone.

What is the farthest you’ve been from home? London, England. It’s was an amazing trip. I’d love to go back one day.
If you were an animal, what would you be? A cat! I’d love to sleep all day and have a human feed and pet me all day.
Which is better Marvel or DC? Marvel! I love Captain America and Iron Man

If you were a dictator of a small island nation, what crazy stuff would you do? 1. Cats would be on the flag. 2. Quarterly movie night would be mandatory, and I would pick the movie. 3. All books would be subsidized by the government.
What job would you be terrible at? Being a dictator of a small island nation.
What are you addicted to? Reading, caffeine (also cats, probably)

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years? When can I get a cheeseburger?
What are some small things that make your day better? Snuggling kitties, seeing my favorite clients and kitties, food gifts from coworkers, giraffes
If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make? Catio (#lifegoals), cat trees, shelves for my tiny treasures

What is the most immature thing that you do? “Your mom” jokes
What would a mirror opposite of yourself be like? Cool, calm, and collected
What are three of the most significant numbers in your life? 8, 9, 17

What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? I literally can’t come up with an answer
What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of? vulture culture and experimental aquaponics
If you could have any car, what would it be? Flintstone car, so I can save money on gas